Ex4 14

$\def\abs#1{|#1|}\def\i{\mathbf {i}}\def\ket#1{|{#1}\rangle}\def\bra#1{\langle{#1}|}\def\braket#1#2{\langle{#1}|{#2}\rangle}\def\tr{\mathord{\mbox{tr}}}\mathbf{Exercise\ 4.14}$

a) Give the outcomes and their probabilities for measurement of each of the standard basis elements with respect to the Bell decomposition of Example 4.2.6.

b) Give the outcomes and their probabilities for measurement of a general two-qubit state $\ket\psi = a_{00}\ket{00} + a_{01}\ket{01} + a_{10}\ket{10} + a_{11}\ket{11}$ with respect to the Bell decomposition.

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